Friday 4 November 2011

All World Wonders

Seven Wonders of the World  

The Great Wall of China: This 4,160-mile was built to protect China from invading Huns, Mongols and others tribes and to unite fortifications into one defence system. Begun in the 7th century BC, the barricade took hundreds of years to build, and ranks as the world's longest man made structure and is apparently the only one visible from space.

Petra (Jorder): This ancient capital city was built around 9 BC during the reign of King Aretas IV and continued to flourish during the Roman Empire. It is now visible in its pink stone ruins and carved facade.

Christ Redeemer Statue (Brazil): Standing 125 feet tall atop the Corcovado Mountain high above Rio, this statue took five years to build. Constructed in France by sculptor Paul Landowski, it was shipped to Brazil in pieces, and then carried up the mountain by train, where it was reassembled.

Machu Picchu (Peru) : This "city in the clouds" was built 8,000 feet above sea level in the 15th century by Incan emperor Pachacutec. Abandoned by the Incas, the city remained unknown until it was rediscovered by an explorer in 1911.

Pyramid at Chichen Itza (Mexico) : The center of Mayan civilization in its day, Chichen Itza is still visible in several structures including the pyramid of Kukulkan.

Roman Colosseum (Itlay) : This giant, 50,000 seat amphitheater in the center of Rome was built over 2,000 years ago, and still influences the design of sports stadiums worldwide.

Taj Mahal (India) : Built in 1630 by a grieving emperor, Shah Jahan, in honor of his dead wife, this white marble structure combines Indian, Persian and Islamic style of architecture.

Complete Listing of World Wonders 
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Hanging Gardens of Babylong
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Statue of Zeus of Olympia
The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
The Colossus of Rhodes
The Pharos of Alexandria
The Seven Wonders of the Medieval World
The Colosseum
The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
The Great Wall of China
The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
The Hagia Sophia
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Seven Wonders of Modern World
The Empire State Building
The Itaipu Dam
The CN Tower
The Panama Canal
The Channel Tunne
The North Sea Protection Works
The Golden Gate Bridge
The Seven Forgetton Natual Wonders of World
Angel Falls
The Baby of Fundy
Lugacu Falls
Krakatoa Island
Mount Fuji
Mount Kilimanjaro
Niagara Falls
The Seven Forgotten Modern Wonders of World
The Clock Tower (Big Ben)
Eiffel Tower
The Gateway Arch
The Aswan High Dam
Hoover Dam
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
The Petronas Towers
The Seven Natual Wonders of World
Mount Everst
The Great Barrier Reef
The Grand Canyon
Victoria Falls
The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro
Paricutin Volcano
The Northern Lights
The Seven Underwater Wonders of World
The Belize Barrier Reef
The Galapagos Islands
The Northern Red Sea
Lake Baikal
The Great Barrier Reef
The Deep Sea Vents
The Seven Forgotten Wonders of Medeival World
Abu Simbel Temple
Angkor Wat
Taj Mahal
Mount Saint Michel
The Moai Statues
The Parthenon
The Shwedagon Pagoda
The Forgotton Wonders
The Aztec Temple
The Banaue Rice Terraces
The Borobudur Temple
The Statue of Liberty
The Mayan Temples
The Temple of Inscriptions
The Throne Hall of Persepolis
The Suez Canal
The Sydney Opera House

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