Friday 4 November 2011

Different Types Of Apples

Even the word “clichéd” is too clichéd to describe the adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Most of us know of its properties as one of the best instant and healthy snacks that people of all ages love to munch on. Most of us fall in love with the crispy tartness outside and the juicy sweetness inside. Apples are rich in iron, vitamin C, and many other essential vitamins, not to mention a lot of roughage and complex carbohydrates, instead of just simple ones like glucose or fructose. We all know that there are many varieties of apples available in the market, but did we know that there are more than 50 different varieties of them available in nature. Some of them are high on tartness and some are sweet, some have a fleshy outer covering while others have a softer outer skin. Some are excellent for baking, some for making pies, tossed salads, some are excellent for freezing, yet others make a good snack, while a wide variety are good for at least two or more of the above. Some of the most common varieties are mentioned here.

Different Types Of Apples

Here are some of the different varieties of apples found in nature:


The Braeburn apple usually is orange to red in color on top of a yellow background. This apple is excellent for snacking and good in salads, pies, sauces, baking and freezing. These apples are available from October to July.


The Cameo apple has white spots on a red skin. This apple is excellent for snacking, salads, pies, sauces, baking and good for freezing. The Cameo apple is harvested in September and October and is available to consumers from October to August.


The Cortland apple is a sweet red apple over a greenish-yellow background that comes with just a trace of tartness. This type of apple is a good choice for snacking, salads, pies, sauces, baking and good for freezing. The Cortland apple is available from September to April.


The Baldwin is an all-purpose red-skinned apple, which is mottled and has streaks of yellow on it, with a mildly sweet-tart flavor. This apple is fairly crisp texture, and originates from the New York region, available from October to April.


The Fuji apple is a sweet, reddish-pink apple that was introduced to the U.S. from Japan, which is where it derives its name from (Mt Fuji). This apple is a good choice for snacking and good in salads, pies, sauces and baking. The Fuji apple is not a good apple for freezing. This variety is available from October to August.


The Gala apple can be distinguished by its pinkish stripes over a yellow background. The apple is sweet and is excellent for snacking, salads, and sauces. It is good for pies and baking, though one wouldn’t recommend it as freezing apple. Gala apples are available from September to May.

Granny Smith

The Granny Smith variety is crisp and juicy, with freckled green skin and sweetly tart flesh. It is one of the best choices for eating and cooking, is grown in New Zealand, Australia, California, and Arizona, which makes it available year-round. It can be stored in the fridge for a maximum of 240 days.

Ginger Gold

One of the early season varieties, this yellow apple has a sweet but mildly tart flavor. The Ginger Gold apple makes an excellent choice for snacking and salads. It is a good choice for pies, sauces, and baking too. This apple, however, is not a good candidate for freezing. The variety of apple is available August through November.


Honeycrisp is red and yellow and is a relatively new variety, which made its first appearance to the retail world in 1991. Since it is sweet and crisp it makes an excellent snacking apple, and is good for salads, sauces, and freezing. This apple is also good for use in baking, but it is not recommended for use in pies.

Jonathan Apple

The Jonathan variety is spicy and fragrant, juicy, sweet-tart, is good for cooking, except when cooked whole and is excellent for snacking. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a good 120 days.


The Idared is one a sweet and tart apple that is one of the most versatile varieties. This apple works wonder as a snacking apple, as a freezing or even a baking apple, for making pies as well as sauces. This apple is available from October to August.


The McIntosh is brilliant green variety of apple that is sweet with just a trace of tartness. This apple is a favorite in lunchboxes, which makes this variety of apple excellent for snacking and for making sauces. The McIntosh apple does come across as a baking or freezing apple though it is one of the most preferred choices for making pies and for salads. This apple is available from September to June.

Rome Beauty

The Rome Beauty is a mildly tart red apple, which makes an excellent baking apple. This apple is as good for use in pies, or sauces as it is for making salads, eating as a snack, as well as freezing and is one of the most versatile varieties.


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