Friday 4 November 2011

French Toasts with Cheese

2 eggs
4 slices of white bread
1/3 cup of milk
Ground cinnamon, to taste
Vanilla sugar, about ½ teaspoon
Shredded cheese of your choice
1 table spoon of butter
Prepare ingredients: It will work better if bread that you use is 2-3 days old, fresh bread will sodden fast and may be hard to handle, if you only have fresh bread – dry bread slices it a bit in a toster before using for french toasts; also vanilla sugar can be replaced with vanilla extract.
Crack eggs in a bowl, add cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
Then add milk and mix it.
Warm skillet with a table spoon of butter over moderate low heat (make sure heat isn’t too high, so butter doesn’t burn)
Deep each slice of bread to the egg and milk mixture from each side (one by one)
Fry them until eggs are cooked through (till light brown color), then flip to the other side.
Once eggs from other side are cooked though as well then move french toasts to the plate and garnish them with your choice of shredded cheese. Let cheese melt a bit. Serve warm for breakfast or as a quick snack.


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