Friday 18 November 2011

Latest Technology Kinetic Phones-Nokia

This is A Must Read Post..
Because there ate Many Generations in Mobile phones...
Normail Mobiles,Slim Phones,Touch,Qwert Key Pad.. And Now..
Kinetic Phones...
What Are Kinetic Phones?

Who can remember the jump from DOS to Windows? 
And who can forget the excitement of the first cell phones? 
Well things are about to take another change. 

If you have ever thought of getting a phone that can bend then hold onto your seat because the day is near. Nokia has launched the first Nokia kinetic phone. Yes, it is bendable. It cannot yet open the door or scratch your back, but it is flexible and this also means a bit more robust in design than the average Smart Phone.

 See This Video

Still in Prototype Phase

The bad news is that the kinetic phone, although the most revolutionary concept in mobile phones ever, has been launched, it is not yet available on the market. It may also stay in the prototype phase, but if it creates enough of a stir, Nokia may very well decide to go into mass production to improve everyone’s cellphone experience by leaps and bounds.

Bendable is not the Only Hot Trend

Although the kinetic phone is loved mostly because it can bend, it also has an OLED display and just about everything your average personal computer has – just in a compact size. If you hold the phone in your hand and bend it to the left, then to the right and try to twist it, you will find that it is completely flexible. It is rather difficult to focus on anything else, but although the kinetic device can bend in oppositedirections, it also features various zooming abilities for pictures.

The device furthermore features an easy to use scroll feature for music and for using some of the other applications. Cameras may even get a run for the show as the phone has tremendous panning features and can be described as the all-in-one phone, computer, and camera as well as music player, recorder and video recorder.

Where was the Nokia Phone Launched?

Even if you are not the standard gimmicks fan you must admit that this is worth keeping your eyes open for. The launch was made at the Nokia World Conference held in London at the Nokia booth. The Internet will never be the same with thousands of users using such a flexible device. At this stage it is a still hoping for the best situation – that is that the phone will become available on the market.

Control by Means of Twisting

The control is no longer touch based. With the kinetic device you will have ample reason for twisting away at the screen as it will be the way for navigating. You can even make calls by twisting the screen. The only drawback is that two hands are normally required for effective twisting. This could be the phone that will stop mobile phoning and driving in South Africa.

If you want to navigate to the next screen, simply twist. To scroll faster simply twist more. If you become too enthusiastic and twist a bit too far, simply twist in the opposite direction and once the file that you want to see is highlighted or perhaps the contact that you want to phone, just give it a bend again and it pops open.

All Plastic

The phone is made from plastic, which means that it will also be less likely to break if it hits the ground. The whole phone and not only part of it, can bend which is also the means for zooming and controlling volume as well as playback, all because it is made from plastic.

Aesthetically Appealing

As can be expected, the Nokia handset is not only highly functional and bendable, but also a truly attractive phone. It could very well be the next top model of phones. If it catches on and hits the stores, we may in future say “Give me a twist” rather than “Dial me”.

Squeeze to Answer
They should call it the ‘Love Phone’ since you give it a gentle squeeze when you want to answer.

Why the Replacement of the Touch Screen?

According to Nokia, the kinetic phone with its twisting and squeezing is the answer to operation difficulty with touch screens. True, in most instances, the touch screen works pretty well, but if you wear gloves in the winter, it may be a bit of hassle to operate. Nokia doesn’t plan on replacing the touch screen; simply add onto it for those applications where a twist or turn will improve the user experience.

Instead of the fingerprint to lock or open the device, Nokia has suggested that it would be possible to make it ‘grip recognizable’. It will thus recognize the user’s particular grip. Just remember to always be kind! It is made from an intuitive material and thus a step into the future.
Another reason to look forward to the Nokia kinetic phone is the multi-functionality of the device. With just the right bend, one will be able to perform several functions at one. As such it can be seen as a time saving device, made for the superfast society of today.

Usage in the Car

Since the Nokia kinetic handset is so flexible it may even be built-in on the dashboard of the car where you will then be able to use one hand to get the right twist.


Even more good news for those of us who regularly drop our phones in water of all sorts – because it is without buttons, it can be waterproof. Notably you will not use the phone underwater, but at least you will be able to save it when it gets wet.

Easy Fit

Because the Nokia kinetic phone is compact in size, you will be able to fit it in your handbag or pocket. The idea of a pocket size computer has become tangible with the funky design and super functionality of the device. The phone will take on the shape of its environment and thus the risk of damage will be minimized. Let’s hope the device becomes available to the general public


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