Think you know everything about science? Well not really, we guess! Ever wondered why dolphins and whales are not called fish and why rats carry plague? Or why the 'Great Wall of China' cannot be seen from space and why quick silver is not called silver? There are several such mind-boggling questions that can happily send our brain spinning and wits rocketing, and no matter how much we try to explain them, reasons never seem enough. While science has helped us to unearth the underlying mysteries behind various facts and has helped us see the unseen and know the unknown, it is yet to achieve a lot more in terms of explaining the intricacies of the world to man. If you are a big science freak and love to slog your wits over exciting trivia, then this engaging list of weirs scientific facts can spell fun for you. To know some interesting and weird science facts, read on.
Strange Science Facts
Did you know that the human brain is capable of processing more than 70, 000 thoughts in a day and apparently contains more ideas than the total number of atoms known to man? Also, were you aware that all human thinking is done by chemicals and ‘electricity’? Truly weird!
You must know that a human body depends on arteries, capillaries and veins to transport blood in the body. However, did you know that if all these blood vessels were stretched out back-to-back, it could form an outsized string that can go up to 60,000 miles long, which would be twice as long as the circumference of the earth?
Did you know that sea horses are the only animal species on this planet where the reproduction takes place among males? Weird, we know! Male sea horses conceive and give birth to their offspring and can produce as many as two thousand fries at a time. What’s more interesting is that, these supposedly unique marine creatures are inept swimmers and often die of exhaustion when trapped in stormy seas.
Did you know that a polar bear could run up to 25 miles per hour and jump up to 6 feet high? These furry predators have insulated fur that is actually transparent and not white and is usually invisible under infrared photography. In addition to this, just in case you didn’t know, all polar bears are left handed!
Venus, fondly called as Earth’s twin, is the only planet in the solar system that revolves round the Sun in a clockwise direction while rest of the planets move anticlockwise. Also, Venus takes 243 days to complete its rotation round the sun while Earth takes only 24 hours to do the same.
‘Fetus in fetu’ is an extremely rare pregnancy anomaly where the fetus gets trapped inside its twin’s body, living like a parasite unless surgically removed. A parasitic fetus is anencephalic, which means it lacks brains and other internal organs and leeches on its twin’s blood.
Did you know that on an average, every person accidentally consumes almost about 430 bugs every year of his life? Strange, but true!
You may have often heard of the common expression, “It’s raining cats and dogs”. But have you ever seen frogs and fish actually falling from the sky. Weird it might be, but there have been real occasions when fish and frogs actually dropped from the sky, making it one of the weirdest of living facts.
Did you know that the lint in your belly button actually comes from the innerwear you wear?
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