Friday 4 November 2011

Cheese Omlet

Eggs 3
Bell pepper 1 small - sliced
Onion 1 large sliced
Tomato 1 chopped
Green chili - optional 1/2 chopped
Milk few teaspoons
Cheddar cheese - shredded 1 tablespoon
Olive oil / butter as per requirement.
Beat egg yolks first and then add whites and beat vigorously. Once it comes to foamy set aside.
Heat a skillet with oil. Add the vegetables and salt. Stir-fry over high, till onions turn fragrant.
Now add the same to the whisked eggs, further add milk and if necessary white pepper powder.
Heat a griddle, smear butter and pour the batter,make thin or thick omlet. Cover and cook briefly and finally add cheese and remove from heat.


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